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Discover 7 Amazing Facts About Canine Smell What amazing dogs are, no one doubts!



 There is no lack of reasons to consider dogs our best friends. But, there are many facts about them that are still true mysteries. The canine sense of smell , for example, is one of the issues that still intrigues scientists! With adapted noses and a capacity far superior to ours to smell odors, your four-legged son is almost a superhero! If you are interested in the world of pets, read on to learn 7 facts and all about canine smell !
1. A dog’s snout is a perfect organ
Our four-legged friends’ noses may look very cute, but this important organ is actually a wonder of nature. The dog’s muzzle was perfectly designed to be a sniffing machine. Starting with the format. The design of the dogs’ nose allows them to breathe in through one channel and out through the other. This way, the pet with a good scent can “smell” many times the same air sample, capturing more elements with each sniff! Besides, dogs’ noses are not iced for pure charm. Moisture in the muzzle allows particles present in the air to become more active and more easily stick to sensitive organs.
2. Canine Smell: They can smell “in stereo”
Yes, it may sound strange, but this is a dogs ability! Dogs’ noses have olfactory cells with impressive characteristics: the ability to sniff with their nostrils independently. Thus, dogs can more clearly perceive where the smells are coming from: whether on the left or the right. It works, more or less, like our ears. We can sense when a sound comes from the right or the left, right? The same goes for the canine sense of smell! 3. Dogs have a channel just for smell While we humans breathe and smell in the same way, dogs have a channel just for the refined sense of smell . When a dog inhales, some of the air follows its route to the lungs. However, part of the air follows a different path, dedicated exclusively to smells. There, he can decipher the codes present in the air, much more efficiently than ours.
4. Canine smell with many more olfactory cell
In the exclusive compartment for sniffer dogs there are many olfactory cells. These special organs are designed to understand smell. A dog, on average, has 300 million of these cells, against only 5 million present in humans. This guarantees our furry friends an infinitely superior sniffer ability than ours. In fact, studies show that dogs can sense samples 100 million times smaller than a human needs. A practical example: you are on the top floor of a building 100 meters high and prepare a recipe. A dog can smell the same as you, even outside the building.
5. Dogs are not prejudiced When compared to dogs ,
our way of perceiving smells is rather primitive. We can, for example, smell good pasta, or notice that something in the fridge is spoiled because it smells bad. For dogs, everything is different! He will be able to tell that the ingredients used were onion, garlic, tomato, pepper, flour and oil. More than that, he can tell even if you’ve overdone the salt, all this just with your sense of smell. The same happens with bad smells and, for dogs, it doesn’t make much difference. They don’t distinguish between “good” and “bad” smells. For them, everything is information and, as they are by nature curious, they can perfectly smell a pile of rubbish, without bothering.
6. With their sense of smell,
they can sense our emotions Many people believe that dogs can feel emotions from a distance. Well, studies show that there is a scientific reason for this! Dogs have a specific organ for smell, called the Jacobson organ or vomeronasal. Located between the mouth and the muzzle, this special organ knows how to identify hormones based on their smells. That way, dogs can sense when someone is angry, stressed, and even sick!
7. The canine sense of smell is a time machine!
Perhaps the most interesting fact about canine smell is that it acts like a real time machine. Because their ability is so potent, dogs can, for example, perceive things from the past. When entering a room, they can tell who was there, what that person ate, when he left, and which way he went. On the other hand, they can also sense things in the air at a distance. Thus, they notice if someone approaches from afar, if the person is coming on foot, by car or bicycle, and even if it will rain soon!

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How to Wash Your Dog



How to Wash Your Dog

The dogs we love need to be washed the same way as our children sometimes. Washing your pet may seem daunting, but it’s alright. Like washing your hair, suds are your friend when bathing your dog.

If you want to know how to wash your dog, keep reading to learn how to keep your pet looking amazing!

Select the Right Shampoo

When selecting the right shampoo to wash a dog, make sure it’s specifically formulated for dogs. Human shampoos may strip away the natural oils of your dog’s coat, and may even dry out their skin.

Choose a shampoo designed for pets, which should not contain harsh chemicals that could dry out their skin. If your dog has skin problems, like dandruff, select a shampoo for their condition.

Opt for an all-natural dog skin supplement, hypoallergenic, or organic shampoo, especially if your pup has allergies. Dogs with fleas should use medicated shampoo to kill fleas, ticks, and other parasites.

Gather Supplies Needed for Washing

Gathering the supplies needed for washing your dog is the first step of the process. You will need dog shampoo, a conditioner, towels, a sponge, a brush, and a large sink or tub.

To ensure you have everything needed, check your supplies and organize them in a spot you can access. Having all the supplies required nearby and organized will make the process of washing your pet go by much smoother.

Ready Your Dog for Washing

Preparing your dog for a bath is essential to a successful wash. Start by brushing through their fur and removing as much excess dirt or mats as possible. A thorough brushing before their bath will go a long way in making the cleaning process more manageable.

Make the entire process as gentle and enjoyable for both of you. Also, make sure the water’s temperature is comfortable for your pup by using the inside of your wrist to judge.

You can begin by running your fingers through the fur and lathering with the shampoo. Ensure to use a cup to rinse the coat until the water runs clear.

After Care and Maintenance

After you wash your dog, you need to dry them off. Towel drying your dog is the simplest form of aftercare and maintenance. Pat your dog down with the towel until they are dry.

They are careful not to rub their coat too much or leave their skin or fur damp. Once their coat is dry, please give them a nice brush or comb through their coat. This helps to shed any remaining dirt and moisture from their fur.

To finish their aftercare and maintenance, it’s essential to treat your pup for being a good sport throughout the process. This will let them know bathing is not something they fear!

Learn How to Wash Your Dog Today

Following the steps on how to wash your dog, you should have a clean, healthy, and odor-free pup. Be gentle during the process, as dogs can be sensitive, and reward them with treats, praise, and cuddles.

If you need more guidance, consult your veterinarian to keep your pup healthy and happy.

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11 of the Best Pet Portrait Paintings You’ll See This Year



These pet portrait paintings were created by Zann Hemphill, a Canadian artist whose work with animals is featured in galleries and homes across North America. In Zann’s portrait studio, Paws By Zann, she uses entirely traditional techniques. The resulting oil paintings are beautiful and expressive, and capture each pet as an individual.

#11 Soft Lighting on These Puppy Dog Eyes

This oil portrait of mixed-breed Ella uses light streaming in from a nearby window to achieve a soft, natural lighting effect that reflects beautifully off one eye.

#10 This Cat Painting with the Most Beautiful Eyes

Cat’s eyes are a wonder, and we could stare at Zann’s rendering of them in this painting for hours. 

#9 This Golden Retriever Painting you can Almost Touch

This Golden Retriever painting stands out against a bright fresh background. Because the background is neither too bright nor too dark, shadows and highlights stand out clear and sharp. You can really feel bright sunlight soft fur in this beautiful piece.

#8 This Head-and-Shoulders Painting of a Siberian Husky

In art, blue backgrounds are often used to make the subject in a portrait pop forward. In this case, artist Zann Hemphill has made this technique work especially well for a painting of a Siberian Husky.

#7 This Pet Portrait Centrepiece

With the right artist, pet portrait paintings can become amazing talking pieces for your home. This painting of Misha is a 4-foot-tall splash of colour that brings joy to the whole room.

#6 and #5 These two Matching Cat Paintings 

Cookie and Chester aren’t technically related, but their owner says they totally act and look like siblings! Putting pets in two separate canvases is great because you get so much flexibility in how you display them. Gazing across at one another? Or haughtily looking away, like typical cats?

#4 This Relaxed Pooch, Sitting Like Royalty

In the past, a person would have to sit for ages to get a portrait, but now the artist can put in those same hours without their subject’s cooperation. Zann Hemphill is able to bring amazing depth into her work thanks to her extensive experience painting from life.

#3 Neutral Tones Give this Pet Portrait Depth (Thor)

This painting come to life with traditional oil-on-canvas techniques. It proves that a classically trained portrait artist can use even snapshots to create art that will stand the test of time.

#2 This Labrador Retriever Painting at Sunset

There’s a reason so many painters love working outside during sunrise and sunset, the so-called “Golden Hour”. During this time, reflected sky blues fill every shadow and contrast beautifully with warm tones from the sun, producing dramatic and poignant images — if the artist has the skill to capture them.

#1 These two Adorable Friends Snuggling on the Couch

Moments like these make every other pet owner jealous. As a painting, this friendship will last forever.

Commission information for Zann’s work can be found on her website, Paws By Zann

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The Poodle comes in four varieties, namely the King Poodle, Medium Poodle, Miniature Poodle and the Toy Poodle. The Poodle looks like a fancy show dog, but their original role was to help hunters retrieve waterfowl from the water.

History of Poodle

Their curly coat, now especially groomed for dog shows, was prized for its moisture-resistant qualities. The German word Pudel actually refers to the spatter that these dogs would cause while hunting. The English word Poodle is derived from this. Although the breed originated in 19th century Germany, the standard was perfected in France, which considers Poodle a national breed.

These dogs are now mostly known as show dogs and family pets, and selective breeding had a lot to do with them. There are four types of Poodles, and according to the American Kennel Club, the oldest of these varieties is the Large or Standard Poodle. These dogs were originally bred to have a water-resistant coat, which helps explain the quality of the current dog’s coat. While they retain the key features of their entire family members, their compact size makes them perfect for keeping in a small home environment.

Life expectancy: 12 – 15 years

Weight: 6.5 – 14 kg

Height at withers: 24 – 60 cm

Character of the Poodle

When talking about the Poodle’s temperament, it is often about his energy. This dog is very flaky and lively, contrary to the popular image of a perfectly groomed lazy lap dog. They are also very sweet and affectionate, combine that with their human-like intelligence and you have a dog that forms an inseparable bond with its family. The Poodle is very curious, smart, will love to play and is a great companion for children.

However, smaller Poodles are also very fragile so they should not be left alone with young children as they could accidentally injure them. When it comes to exceptionally smart dogs, this breed tops the list. If you have the right training approach, this dog will be highly trainable. They will have no problem learning commands or even working out tricks and routines as long as they have the right motivation.


Poodles can face some nasty health problems, including Addison’s disease, thyroid problems, and cancer. Like almost all dogs, this breed can have joint issues such as hip dysplasia.


The Poodle’s coat is one of their defining characteristics. Their curly, hypoallergenic hair comes in many different colors. There are the usual white, black, cream coats to blues, apricot, chocolate and two-tone Poodles. Many people will groom their dogs in style and in extravagant ways, especially for dog shows. However, if you only take this dog as a pet, basic grooming is all they really need. Routine brushing to prevent mats and tangles by visiting a groomer regularly is all it takes to keep the curls in perfect condition.

The Poodle is not much different from other dogs when it comes to their nutritional needs. Like most other dogs, these chic dogs will also thrive on a diet based on high quality dry dog ​​food. Of course, not all types of kibble will suffice, you need to choose the one that is appropriate for the Poodle’s age, size and activity level.

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