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Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs



Like humans, dogs can also suffer from several health conditions. With this, you should take care of them to maintain their overall health. In this post, we will discuss congestive heart failure in dogs.

What is congestive heart failure? 

Congestive heart failure in dogs is the condition wherein the heart cannot pump sufficient blood to the body. It is usually caused by:

Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM)

Mitral Valve Insufficiency (MVI)

CHF includes abnormalities of heart muscles, heart valves, or blood vessels to exit to enter the heart. If the condition progresses, there can be a fluid buildup in the abdomen, chest, and lungs.

Congestive heart failure signs 

The signs of congestive heart failure in dogs can depend on the underlying heart disease. These signs include the following:

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing
  • Fainting
  • Persistent coughing
  • Inability to exercise
  • Lack of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Swollen belly because of fluid buildup
  • Increased heart rate
  • Weight loss
  • Difficulty in settling down and pacing before bedtime
  • Crackling sound if listening to the lungs

If you observe some of these signs in your pet, you should immediately seek the help of a veterinarian.

Diagnosis of congestive heart failure

Congestive heart failure in dogs can be diagnosed through several tests:

Chest x-ray

It is done to evaluate your dog’s heart shape and size and look for lung changes like the presence of fluid.


This test is listening to the heart using a stethoscope. It was the first thing to diagnose heart disease. With auscultation, heart murmurs can be detected. The intensity and murmur location can help for its significance.

After assessing the heart rhythm, the vet simultaneously palpates the pulse to identify its rhythm and strength. Lastly, the lungs will be evaluated to determine evidence of changes related to heart failure.

Blood and urine tests

These tests are conducted to provide an indication of body disorders. Kidney and liver function is usually impaired among dogs with heart disease.

Ultrasound examination or echo-cardiogram

This test uses ultrasound waves for heart evaluation. The thickness and size of each heart chamber can be evaluated. Additionally, the heart’s contractions effectiveness can also be observed. Measurements are also performed for the evaluation of the heart’s pumping efficiency.

Electrocardiogram or ECG

ECG measures the heart’s electrical activity. It also provides an accurate determination of heart rhythm and rate. The test can detect and evaluate abnormal rhythms (dysrhythmias or arrhythmias).

Heartworm antigen test

With this test, abnormal proteins produced by heartworm can be detected.

Stages of congestive heart failure 

Congestive heart failure comes in four stages.

Stage 1

The heart of the dog begins to deteriorate.

Stage 2

You can start to observe symptoms such as shortness of breath, panting, and fatigue, especially after exercise.

Stage 3

Shortness of breath and fatigue can happen more often, even during short walks. Wheezing and coughing can also start. Since the dog’s heart doesn’t pump efficiently, there can be a buildup of fluid in the chest that leads to difficulty in breathing.

Stage 4 

It is the final stage of congestive heart failure. The dog can suffer from difficulty in breathing even at rest. In addition, there can be an accumulation of fluid in the different parts of the body that can cause swollen bellies or legs. With that, the dog can also find it hard to walk. It can also lead to vomiting.

Can congestive heart failure shorten the lifespan of your dog? 

The lifespan can depend on the cause of your pet’s heart disease and its severity. There’s a possibility that heart failure can shorten your dog’s lifespan. You should obtain the proper diagnosis to start the right medication. You can monitor the health of your dog through regular physical exams.

What dog breeds are at high risk of developing congestive heart failure? 

Some dog breeds are at high risk of heart disease. Old larger breeds like Great Danes, Doberman Pinschers, and Irish Wolfhounds are more at risk for dilated cardiomyopathy. In the case of degenerative valvular disease, small older breeds can be at high risk, such as King Charles Cavalier Spaniels and Chihuahuas.

Congestive heart failure treatment 

Usually, there is no cure for congestive heart failure. However, there are some treatments to provide your dog with a good quality of life quality. The following are some suggested supplements, medications, and diets to treat congestive heart failure in dogs.


It can stimulate the kidneys to eliminate the excess buildup of fluid in the abdomen and lungs.

ACE inhibitors (benazepril, enalapril, captopril) 

It can lower blood pressure and volume, relieve heart stress and slow the deterioration of heart muscles.


Reducing the sodium amount in your dog’s diet can lower fluid buildup in the body. You can give your dog supplements such as taurine, vitamin B, and carnitine with antioxidants, including coenzyme Q10.

Meanwhile, you should consult a veterinarian before providing your pet with supplements. It is also essential to maintain your dog’s healthy weight to improve heart health.

Vasodilators and positive inotropic drugs 

Positive inotropic drugs can boost the force of the dog’s heart muscle beats so that the heart can pump more blood to the body, especially to the lungs. Vasodilators can reduce heart pressure and relax blood vessels.

Management and recovery for congestive heart failure in dogs 

Fortunately, a dog with congestive heart failure can still enjoy a happy life. Make sure to provide your pet with medications, a proper diet, good overall care, and monitored exercise to enhance its health.

Regular checkups are also necessary to monitor the condition of your dog. It also helps to assess the effectiveness of treatments.


Congestive heart failure can be heartbreaking for you as a pet parent. With that, you should be responsible for maintaining the overall health of your dog, perhaps purchasing a pet insurance like Animalia pet insurance, and similar.

 Congestive heart failure can affect the lifespan of your dog. However, there are many alternatives to provide a quality and happy life to a dog with this condition. If you observe some signs of this heart disease, take your pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

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The Importance of High-Quality Veterinary Equipment for Safe Anesthesia



Outfitting your veterinary practice with the right equipment is essential for safe and effective care. The best veterinary equipment makes your job easier by reducing stress for pets and hospital staff members.

Developing MQS around anesthesia is challenging because mortality rates are relatively rare events within hospitals. However, implementation and ongoing focus on these processes can significantly improve patient safety.

Anesthesia Machines

The anesthesia machine is the most important piece of veterinary equipment for delivering anesthesia. These machines mix anesthetic agents with oxygen and air to give to the patient during a procedure.

Modern veterinary anesthesia machines are largely automated and more complex than the knob-and-tube models on which many providers were trained. They have hundreds of parts and features that ensure the safety of your patients.

Some of today’s anesthesia machines are equipped with ventilators that, in some cases, can provide life-sustaining mechanical ventilation in the event of respiratory failure. This makes them an obvious backup in the COVID-19 pandemic when operating rooms are only used for emergency surgery and ICU ventilators are unavailable. Verify that your anesthesia machine has adequate power and can ventilate your patients if necessary.


Veterinary surgery requires specific tools and equipment, including surgical clamps, suction machines, scalpel blades, forceps and retractors. In addition, veterinary clinics also need various other supplies and medical equipment for diagnosing animal patients.

X-ray machines help veterinarians diagnose illnesses quickly and accurately by taking digital images of the inside of the body. These tools can be used to see skeletal abnormalities, identify tumors and determine organ disease.

Veterinarians also use ultrasound machines to view the internal organs of animals. These devices allow them to examine inner tissue without invasive surgery or sedation. Another essential piece of veterinary equipment is a specialized stethoscope, which can bypass fur and animal muscle to hear an animal’s heartbeat or lungs. Plasma and gas sterilizers keep veterinary tools and medical supplies clean and contamination-free.


While no piece of equipment can replace a skilled veterinary professional, monitoring equipment can help evaluate the condition of patients under anesthesia. These monitors include blood pressure, capnography, and pulse oximetry.

Anesthetic monitors have standard alarm limits set by the anesthesia machine that alert you to a change in respiratory rate and pressure. These limits can be manually changed depending on the clinical situation.

Circulatory system monitoring is also important. A stethoscope may be sufficient in some cases. Still, other monitoring equipment is necessary for more advanced evaluations of cardiovascular function, such as a blood pressure monitor and a vascular Doppler.

Deep anesthesia monitoring is recommended by many societies and organizations as an important adjunct to clinical observation by a vigilant anesthetist. However, evidence of its effectiveness needs to be more extensive.

Anesthesia Supplies

Veterinary clinics require a wide range of equipment to provide high-quality care. High-quality veterinary anesthesia machines ensure animals receive sufficient oxygen, ventilation and breathing while under anesthesia. They also mix anesthetics according to predetermined amounts, minimizing risk for the pet.

X-ray machines provide a quick and non-invasive way for vets to diagnose conditions without requiring anesthetics or invasive exams. Using digital X-rays allows veterinarians to see more details of the organs and tissues inside a patient’s body, helping them make more accurate diagnoses.

Autoclave steam sterilization is critical to any veterinary clinic, ensuring that medical tools are sterilized and disinfected. This protects pets from contamination and extends the life of the instrument. It also helps reduce the risk of organic fluids, solvents, and cleaners wearing down commonly used tools.

Anesthesia Safety

Veterinary clinics require a wide range of equipment to provide safe and effective medical care. From exam tables and lights to autoclaves, high-quality tools and technology are vital for providing top-quality care for pet patients. Keeping this equipment in excellent condition requires regular maintenance. Protocols established by medical institutions guarantee that anesthesia workstations are kept clean, contaminant-free, and working optimally.

All anesthesia providers should strive to meet the highly recommended standards and exceed those of the Suggested Standards. This includes setting/infrastructure specifications and clinical and professional practice standards.

Anesthesia is a medical service and should be delivered by trained professionals with full clinical and administrative autonomy. This may be impossible in some situations due to facility/infrastructure limitations. In these situations, it is highly recommended to implement and use systems that promote open real-time communication between anesthesia providers, proceduralists, and other staff.

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Pet Insurance Cost: Identifying What’s Right for Your Needs



You love your pet. So of course you want to be able to help them in their times of need—especially when they are sick or injured. 

This is where pet insurance can really come in handy, as it can really help when it comes to the medical expenses you may enure.

While back in the day getting pet insurance was not the norm, it is becoming more and more common and needed for pet owners. Life is already expensive, and the pet insurance cost is far less ultimately than having to cover medical bills all on your own.

In fact, recent studies show that on average pet owners pay around $30-60 for their monthly fee and will get around $5,000 worth of coverage annually.

But identifying what you and your pet need in an insurance plan are really important, as not all are created equal. So it is important to do your research ahead of time and understand the breakdown so you truly understand what you are signing yourself up for.

The Treatment Costs for Pets

It can really vary in terms of costs you need to be prepared to pay for, as it really comes down to what type of medical care your pet may need. It can range from cancer treatments and kidney disease to dental work and ingestion of foreign objects. Some treatments can cost a few hundred dollars. Others can cost a few thousand dollars.

Depending on the breed of your pet, some come with the risk of developing hereditary diseases, such as certain dogs being more prone to hip dysplasia. So you will certainly want to keep this in mind too when identifying the support you need with pet insurance.

Understanding What is Covered

So what exactly is covered when it comes to pet insurance coverage? There are a ton of different plans and options. The most basic plan is generally accidents and illnesses. Under this plan, you will be able to get coverage for broken bones, dental work, emergency care, surgeries, and mediation.

Remember though that some plans are specific to just accidents, or just illnesses. Make sure you understand what exactly is going to be covered. Because if you have illness-only coverage and your pet gets in an accident and needs surgery, the plan you have may not support you with the end costs.

Diving into Deductibles

Just like human health insurance, pet insurance policies come with a set deductible amount that you will have to cover before your insurance kicks in. In general, this can range from anywhere between $50 to $1,000.

There will either be an annual deductible that you will need to cover every year your policy is in place. Once you pay the deductible for the year, you will not have to pay it until the following year. Or, there is a per-condition deductible where it is a case-by-case scenario. This means you will pay a deductible for a specific treatment or need and your insurance will either cover the rest or reimburse you for the rest. In general, the best insurance options will cover at least 90% of the costs.

Weighing Up the Costs

The actual cost of your pet insurance will really come down to the specifics of your pet. In some cases, coverage per year can be under a thousand dollars. But in other scenarios, it can be more than that.

The actual premium prices are based on a variety of factors. This includes the breed of your pet, the age of your pet, the gender of your pet, and the area that you live in. The price will also vary with different insurance providers, so you should certainly shop around and get a few different quotes first.

How to Decide if It’s Worth It

When it all comes down to it in the end, you need to weigh up the odds of paying a monthly premium fee versus saving to hopefully cover unexpected events in the future.

Often, the premium payments will be far less than a shockingly huge medical bill you were not expecting. Even if you have set aside a savings account for your pet, you never know when the accident will happen or how much you will actually need.

The main goal of pet insurance is to have some peace of mind during stressful medical events. You should never have to be choosing between going into debt versus helping out your furry friend.

When looking at what is right for your needs, make sure to really think about your finances, your budget, your pet’s needs, and the other things in life you also need to save for.

Pet insurance makes your life and your pet’s life better on so many levels. So why not invest a bit upfront for the assurance you can provide your furry friend with a great life and take care of them the way you want! 

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7 tips to take care of the HEALTH OF YOUR DOG IN SUMMER



Quadrupeds with darker fur absorb more heat . Here are some tips on how to make summer more bearable and enjoyable for your dog.

1. Do not subject it to the sun

Take your dog for walks in the early morning and in the evening , once the sun has set. He walks at an easy pace, takes breaks, carries water, and walks in the shade whenever you can.

2. Hydration, always hydration

In addition to water, you can also offer your dog electrolyte water alternatives, such as unsalted buttermilk, frozen treats, fruit, and coconut water . By the way, it is NOT a good idea to give a dog human energy drinks.

It is normal for appetite to decrease or be lost during the heat, so you can include liquids such as broth, curd or buttermilk with meals . It is also very important to leave the house with a special drinker or bottle for dogs if the walk is going to be longer than normal, and take breaks to drink.

3. Watch out for signs of dehydration

Dogs panting is part of their cooling mechanism. It is advisable to go to the veterinarian if any of the following symptoms are detected :

  • Excessive drooling.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Bloodshot eyes.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Concern.
  • Dry and inelastic skin.

4. Cools down your body temperature

It’s important to keep your pet’s temperature down a bit during the summer. For this you can use a damp towel for the dog to lie on after walking, wipe him down with a cool damp cloth making sure his paws, belly, armpits and the back of his head are clean and wet .

There are also cooler alternatives like going to a dog pool . Also, if you see your dog digging a hole, let him. It is another way for dogs to cool off .

5.  Do not leave your dog in the car

The car retains more heat than the outside area even if it is parked in the shade . Your dog’s temperature can rise rapidly and cause serious cases of heat stroke, collapse and death, in less time than we think. It is quite logical, but every year you see cases like this in the news in the summer… A little bit of please!!

6. Check daily for fleas and ticks

Warm weather is a haven for fleas and ticks , so check your dog daily and change his bedding frequently.

7. Do not remove the hair

There is an idea that shaving a dog’s hair can help them stay cool in the summer, but this is not the case. The layers of hair help protect the dog from overheating and sunburn . It will get hotter even if it is left without its natural fur.

Yes, it is advisable to brush it and remove layers of dead hair, and perhaps clean it up, but never shave. Our dog grooming experts can come to your home and help you keep your dog fresh and healthy.

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