
How to cure my dog’s bad breath



Bad breath in a dog can have various origins, some more worrying than others. Learn about its causes and how to avoid it in this post.

If you think it is normal for dogs to have bad breath, you will be very surprised by this article. Although dogs can develop stinky breath for various reasons and it is quite common , IT IS NOT NORMAL. If you have ever smelled a puppy you will know that they do not smell bad, this is because they do not yet have a accumulation of the bacteria that cause bad breath . We tell you what are the causes of bad breath and most importantly, how to eliminate it.

Causes of bad breath in dogs

  • Tooth and gum disease. This is the most common reason for bad breath in dogs. The lack of an oral hygiene routine with good tooth brushing can lead to the accumulation of bacteria, the formation of bacterial plaque, tartar and the appearance of cavities. These cause infections, bad odor and even the loss of teeth.
  •  Diet. Some diets can cause bad breath, for example, if the food you give your dog is based on fish protein, it is likely that his breath smells like this too.
  • Foreign bodies in the oral cavity. Dogs often chew on sticks and other objects. Sometimes it happens that a splinter or piece of bone or food remains between the teeth or is buried in the gums, causing an infection and bad smell. 
  • Kidney, liver and diabetes disease.  Organ failure and metabolic disorders can cause your dog to have foul-smelling breath with a hint of ammonia or acetone . This may be accompanied by other symptoms such as excess salivation, disorientation, lack of energy, and others. 
  • Intestinal problems. An infection or intestinal obstruction can also cause your dog’s breath to smell bad. It is usually accompanied by other signs such as vomiting, diarrhea and pain.
  • Masses, abscesses and oral tumors. Any swelling in your dog’s mouth should be cause for medical attention . Although it may not be anything to worry about, there is also a chance that it could be something more serious like an abscess or tumor . 
  • How to prevent your dog from having bad breath?

    The problem of bad breath is easily avoidable. You just need to create oral and dental hygiene habits for your furry, such as:

    • Veterinary control. Your dog’s annual physical should include a dental checkup . If you notice that something is bothering him or that he is drooling or has bad breath, do not hesitate to take him to solve it . If your dog has bad breath, the vet can rule out that the reason is an underlying disease, find the origin and help you with a plan or treatment to eliminate it.
    • Tooth brushing . It is a fundamental habit for the oral health of your furry.
      Just like us, they need you to clean their teeth after every meal or at least twice a day. Brushing helps keep your dog’s breath odor-free, reduces plaque and tartar buildup, and helps prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

      There are several types of brushes specially designed for dogs and canine toothpastes with appetizing flavors that help make the experience a little more enjoyable for your dog. Never use toothpaste for humans to brush your furry, as they contain fluoride that can be toxic for him. You can help yourself with the article “How to clean my dog’s teeth” on our blog.

    • Dental cleaning. It is recommended that a professional veterinary dentist perform a deep dental cleaning on your dog periodically , to remove the tartar that has accumulated over time on your dog’s teeth. 
    • Diet. Make sure that your furry is receiving a suitable diet for him, that meets the requirements and nutrients he needs and that does not cause bad breath.
    • chew toys Although they do not replace brushing, they help oral hygiene because they promote salivation, massage the gums and rub the teeth. 
    • Healthy treats and treats. It is fine to give rewards and positively reinforce your dog’s good behavior, but try to do it with snacks and treats that are healthy and do not contain sugar.



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