
5 ways to keep pests away from your dog



Spring and summer are the seasons when insects can cause the most inconvenience to our lovely dogs, especially those who can’t wait to push the door open to go outside to play. But remember that multi-insect repellents should only be used on humans and never on dogs. However, here are some ways suggested by dewelpro for protecting your dogs against fleas, mosquitoes, ticks and other pests that can cause them inconvenience (and even expose them to dangerous diseases). Follow these five simple steps to protect your dogs from pests.

A preventive and regular shampoo

It’s the best defense against pests that want to grow under the skin or in the hair of your dogs. Note: Thoroughly clean the skin of dog’s mouth. In addition to cleaning, an examination of the pads of their paws is necessary to remove any debris and check that no ticks or other pests are there. Why is this important? Since the pests are attracted to the blood, it is very important to treat all these wounds.

Indoors at sunrise and sunset

Many mosquitoes are active very early in the morning and early evening, so avoid letting your dogs out at these times of the day to reduce their exposure.

Maintain your lawn

Pests like ticks live among tall grass or weeds at lawn edges. As we all know, dogs like to frolic: they like to play explorers and take side roads among the undergrowth and low vegetation. Shorten these expeditions as much as possible. Mow your lawn along driveways, borders and fences, sheds, barbecues, furniture, recycling bins and swing sets. Ticks carry serious diseases like Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, and ehrlichiosis; it is therefore important to remove tall grass where these pests thrive.

Interior and exterior in order

The best way to ensure that pests don’t take hold and grow is to have a tidy house. Regularly vacuum carpets, rugs, floors, furniture, and even bedding. Repair damaged screens on doors and windows. Unclog gutters and clean all surfaces where rainwater can collect. Regularly renew the water in the bowls. To avoid creating breeding grounds for mosquitoes where your dog’s play, empty water from flower pots, bird troughs and pool covers, and even areas around your sprinkler system and faucets. 

Check your dogs on daily basis for fleas and ticks

Living outdoors in the summer is the perfect scenario for catching fleas and ticks. Their imperceptible presence under the hair and skin forces you to be very attentive to detect these parasites and the signs of their presence. Be alert if your pet is scratching or licking excessively or engaging in any other unusual behavior, or is irritated after a run in the park or an expedition in the woods.

If you find a tick, remove it immediately by following the steps recommended by the INVS: using forceps or tweezers, apply firm pressure to remove the entire tick. Flush it down the toilet or wrap it in a tissue and throw it in the trash. Always wash your hands afterwards.

For fleas, some health professionals and services recommend dabbing the infested area with an alcohol swab, then putting the fleas in a glass of water to drown them.

Keeping your dog’s healthy and happy is as important to them as it is to you. Follow these tips to spend even more time together.


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